
Starter code for the Duke project

View the Project on GitHub rsanchez-macias/duke

Duke User Guide

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features
          3.1 Add todo: todo
          3.2 Add deadline: deadline
          3.3 Add event: event
          3.4 Mark a task as done: done
          3.5 Delete a task: delete
          3.6 Find tasks: find
          3.7 List all tasks: list
          3.8 Clear window: clc
          3.9 Exit the program: bye
  4. FAQ
  5. Command Summary

1. Introduction

Zapato is a task manager to keep all your todos, deadlines,and events in one place. It is a great CLI application to organize all yours tasks. If you are interested in using this application, go to the quick start to get started.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 installed in your machine.
  2. Download the latest version of Zapato here.
  3. Choose a home folder to keep your application.
  4. From the command prompt or terminal window, execute the following: java -jar iP.jar
  5. Type help to find out about the supported commands.
  6. Head to section 3 to learn about all the features.

3. Features

Command format:

3.1. Add todo: todo

Adds a todo task to the task list

Format: todo [description]
Example: todo return book

3.2. Add deadline: deadline

Adds a deadline task to the task list. It can be given either a time (24-cycle), date, or both.

Format: deadline [description] /by [dd-mm-yyyy] [hh:mm]
Example: deadline submit tax form /by 15-04-2020 23:59

3.3. Add event: event

Adds an event task to the task list

Format: event [description /at [place/time]
Example: event project meeting /at COM1

3.4. Mark a task as done: done

Marks a task as done

Format: done [task #]

3.5. Delete a task: delete

Removes a task from the task list

Format: delete [task #]

3.6. Find tasks: find

Finds the tasks with the given pattern found in their description

Format: find [pattern]

3.7. List all tasks: list

Lists all the tasks in the task list

Format: list

3.8. Clear window: clc

Clears the terminal or command prompt window

Format: clc

3.9. Exit the program: bye

Exits the program at any point

Format: bye

4. FAQ

Q: How do I save my tasks after I exit my application?
A: No need to worry, tasks are saved automatically when any changes are made to the list.

5. Command Summary